Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Yokohama Woodblock Prints

This image blends Japanese and Foreign elements. Using the idea of interpellation, the woman, although Western-looking, is also carrying the child in a more Japanese manner, making her relatable, and the man is smoking a cigarette, which was popular I think during that time.

This painting actually presents women as more active, perhaps because the woman is riding a horse, which was not done by women in Japan. Although, the women in the photo are more of a focal point and do still just "appear," and therefore are still a part of the male gaze.


  1. The picture of the American family with the mother carrying her child like the Japanese would is pretty amusing. I wonder if the artists knew that Americans didn't carry their children that way. They may very well have never seen that before.

  2. The first print is really interesting. First of all, "AMERIKAZIN" is printed in large roman letters in the right hand corner. I think this image highlights the Western style of dressing and how different it was from Japanese styles. I also think it's interesting to note the pinkness of the American faces.
    The second photo is similar in that it highlights American differences. They stick out like sore thumbs among the very Japanese background and Japanese figures near them. The most interesting part of this photograph to me is the interaction in the lower right-hand corner. There's a Japanese mother and children who seem to be staring at a young American boy who's also staring at them.
