Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I apologize ahead of time if I make anyone feel uncomfortable. I chose a U by Kotex ad for sanitary napkins.

Recent U by Kotex ads have tried to convey simplicity; that is, pointing out that their products and advertisements do not need all of the gimmicks that other tampon/sanitary napkin commercials use in order to attract consumers. 

The black background and simple, yet emphasized font, make the add look uncomplicated. The message in the white font is meant to identify with female consumers who have likely gone through the process of comparing brands and choosing which ever brand has come up with the best or most descriptors for their product. The yellow/green font at the end of the message is the emphasis of their message. Overall, the separation of the product and the message seems to suggest that if the consumer likes their clear, simple, and gimmick-free message, then the answer is simple- just buy the product.

The name of the brand also is supposed to say a lot about the product. The signifier, U, represents the signified consumer. The connotation of "U" is that it is used in informal written conversation. Although "U" is very informal, it still conveys a simple, and nearly impossible to misunderstand message. This is also a way of skipping all of the "unnecessary letters," where a letter makes the same sound that sounds like a well known word in the English language. It also could be seen as playing into the myth hat simpler is better.  

(Here is one of their commercials that sort of implies the use of semiotics while making fun of the stereotypical tampon/pad ad.) 


  1. It always amazes me to see how heavily advertised everything is, even hygienic products like pads. I guess this is Kotex's attempt at product differentiation. Without the context of the image and key words, it almost sounds like any ad in existence that flies the "no nonsense" flag.

  2. Your analysis of this ad is spot-on. This ad, with its simplistic and clean-looking layout emphasize their selling point of having no gimmicks or unnecessary features like their competitors. I hadn't given much thought to the U before. You make interesting points here!
